MASS Students ’19-20
Jack Bastian
Sharing Meaning across Temporal, Spatial and Cultural Boundaries:
A Schutzian Analysis of Religious Commonality in Buddhist Meditation Traditions
Anderson Chen
All Aboard the Panda Express:
How Asian Cuisine Impacts Cultural Identity for the Modern Asian-American Diaspora
Shuyu Gao
Peers, Siblings & Parents:
Three Socializing Factors of Adolescent Substance Use
Alexa Gonzalez
The Role of Social Science in Epidemic Response Efforts:
Lessons learned from the 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
Maxwell Iskiev
Pandemics and Homelessness:
Defining a Strategy to Protect our Most Vulnerable Citizens
Andrea Lam
Food & Identity:
The Case of the Yellow Economic Circle in Hong Kong
Emma Lee
Why do Cyber Attackers Attack:
Rethinking Cyber State Defense Strategy
Michael McCann
The Tale of Two Evangelicals:
American Political Partnership & Progressive Evangelicals’ Search for an Organizational Identity
Samuel Oluwaseun Olanrewaju
Interviewing Racial/Ethnic Minorities Social Media Users is Crucial in Bridging Healthcare Inequality Gap
Isabella Ordaz
Waves of the Same Sea:
Intergenerational Feminist Inheritances
Arnav Patel
Implications of the Spacial Metaphor for the Creation and Use of Facebook and WhatsApp
Anthony Reichenbach
The Good Choice:
Moral-Psychological Perspective on Politics
Juan Reyes
Addressing the Margins:
An Attempt at Understanding Delinquency Engagement of California’s Youth
Ziding Shen
Problematizing Marxist Feminism Solutions to unpaid Reproductive Labor
Yu-Chieh Soong
Unwrapping the Political & Social Reasons for Taiwan’s Successful Covid-19 Prevention
Sebastian Suarez
The Reproduction of Violence:
A Theoretical Framework for the Relationship Between Political legitimacy and Violence in Authoritarian Regimes
Hongming Tang
Poverty and Decision-Making:
Theory, Evidence, and Policy
Minghui (Grace) Tian
The Education Dynamics of Anti-Intellectualism and How It has Influenced American Students
Vanuhi Vartanian
Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories, the People that believe them, and the Reasons they do so
Ting Xu
Sex-Differentiated Parental Control Among Diverse Racial Youths:
Racial minority families impose more control over girls than boys
Kate Zhang
Impact of Multicultural Experience on Stereotypes and Prejudice
Terry Zhou
Exploring the social-economic factors that drive the disparities in American citizens’ attitudes towards immigration